Command-line tool: pipectl

This page describes how to install and use pipectl to manage PipeCD’s resources.

Besides using web UI, PipeCD also provides a command-line tool, pipectl, which allows you to run commands against your project’s resources. You can use pipectl to add and sync applications, wait for a deployment status.



  1. Download the appropriate version for your platform from PipeCD Releases.

    We recommend using the latest version of pipectl to avoid unforeseen issues. Run the following script:

    # OS="darwin" or "linux"
    curl -Lo ./pipectl{OS}_amd64
  2. Make the pipectl binary executable.

    chmod +x ./pipectl
  3. Move the binary to your PATH.

    sudo mv ./pipectl /usr/local/bin/pipectl
  4. Test to ensure the version you installed is up-to-date.

    pipectl version


We are storing every version of docker image for pipectl on Google Cloud Container Registry. Available versions are here.

docker run --rm{VERSION} -h


In order for pipectl to authenticate with PipeCD’s Control Plane, it needs an API key, which can be created from Settings/API Key tab on the web UI. There are two kinds of key role: READ_ONLY and READ_WRITE. Depending on the command, it might require an appropriate role to execute.

Adding a new API key from Settings tab

When executing a command of pipectl you have to specify either a string of API key via --api-key flag or a path to the API key file via --api-key-file flag.



Run help to know the available commands:

$ pipectl --help

The command line tool for PipeCD.

  pipectl [command]

Available Commands:
  application  Manage application resources.
  deployment   Manage deployment resources.
  encrypt      Encrypt the plaintext entered in either stdin or the --input-file flag.
  event        Manage event resources.
  help         Help about any command
  piped        Manage piped resources.
  plan-preview Show plan preview against the specified commit.
  quickstart   Quick prepare PipeCD control plane in quickstart mode.
  version      Print the information of current binary.

  -h, --help                               help for pipectl
      --log-encoding string                The encoding type for logger [json|console|humanize]. (default "humanize")
      --log-level string                   The minimum enabled logging level. (default "info")
      --metrics                            Whether metrics is enabled or not. (default true)
      --profile                            If true enables uploading the profiles to Stackdriver.
      --profile-debug-logging              If true enables logging debug information of profiler.
      --profiler-credentials-file string   The path to the credentials file using while sending profiles to Stackdriver.

Use "pipectl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Adding a new application

Add a new application into the project:

pipectl application add \
    --api-key=API_KEY \
    --app-name=simple \
    --app-kind=KUBERNETES \
    --piped-id=PIPED_ID \
    --platform-provider=kubernetes-default \
    --repo-id=examples \

Run help to know what command flags should be specified:

$ pipectl application add --help

Add a new application.

  pipectl application add [flags]

      --app-dir string            The relative path from the root of repository to the application directory.
      --app-kind string           The kind of application. (KUBERNETES|TERRAFORM|LAMBDA|CLOUDRUN)
      --app-name string           The application name.
      --platform-provider string  The platform provider name. One of the registered providers in the piped configuration. The previous name of this field is cloud-provider.
      --config-file-name string   The configuration file name. (default "app.pipecd.yaml")
      --description string        The description of the application.
  -h, --help                      help for add
      --piped-id string           The ID of piped that should handle this application.
      --repo-id string            The repository ID. One the registered repositories in the piped configuration.

Global Flags:
      --address string                     The address to Control Plane api.
      --api-key string                     The API key used while authenticating with Control Plane.
      --api-key-file string                Path to the file containing API key used while authenticating with Control Plane.
      --cert-file string                   The path to the TLS certificate file.
      --insecure                           Whether disabling transport security while connecting to Control Plane.
      --log-encoding string                The encoding type for logger [json|console|humanize]. (default "humanize")
      --log-level string                   The minimum enabled logging level. (default "info")
      --metrics                            Whether metrics is enabled or not. (default true)
      --profile                            If true enables uploading the profiles to Stackdriver.
      --profile-debug-logging              If true enables logging debug information of profiler.
      --profiler-credentials-file string   The path to the credentials file using while sending profiles to Stackdriver.

Syncing an application

  • Send a request to sync an application and exit immediately when the deployment is triggered:

    pipectl application sync \
        --address={CONTROL_PLANE_API_ADDRESS} \
        --api-key={API_KEY} \
  • Send a request to sync an application and wait until the triggered deployment reaches one of the specified statuses:

    pipectl application sync \
        --address={CONTROL_PLANE_API_ADDRESS} \
        --api-key={API_KEY} \
        --app-id={APPLICATION_ID} \

Getting an application

Display the information of a given application in JSON format:

pipectl application get \
    --api-key={API_KEY} \

Listing applications

Find and display the information of matching applications in JSON format:

pipectl application list \
    --api-key={API_KEY} \
    --app-name={APPLICATION_NAME} \
    --app-kind=KUBERNETES \

Deleting an application

Delete an application with given id:

pipectl application delete \
    --api-key={API_KEY} \

Waiting a deployment status

Wait until a given deployment reaches one of the specified statuses:

pipectl deployment wait-status \
    --api-key={API_KEY} \
    --deployment-id={DEPLOYMENT_ID} \

Registering an event for EventWatcher

Register an event that can be used by EventWatcher:

pipectl event register \
    --api-key={API_KEY} \
    --name=example-image-pushed \

Encrypting the data you want to use when deploying

Encrypt the plaintext entered either in stdin or via the --input-file flag.

You can encrypt it the same way you do from the web.

  • From stdin:

    pipectl encrypt \
        --address={CONTROL_PLANE_API_ADDRESS} \
        --api-key={API_KEY} \
        --piped-id={PIPED_ID} <{PATH_TO_SECRET_FILE}
  • From the --input-file flag:

    pipectl encrypt \
        --address={CONTROL_PLANE_API_ADDRESS} \
        --api-key={API_KEY} \
        --piped-id={PIPED_ID} \

You want more?

We always want to add more needed commands into pipectl. Please let us know what command you want to add by creating issues in the pipe-cd/pipecd repository. We also welcome your pull request to add the command.

Last modified October 19, 2024: Update pipectl image URI in docs (#5283) (dd779a48)