Configuration reference

This page describes all configurable fields in the Control Plane configuration.
kind: ControlPlane
  address: https://your-pipecd-address

Control Plane Configuration

Field Type Description Required
stateKey string A randomly generated string used to sign oauth state. Yes
datastore DataStore Storage for storing application, deployment data. Yes
filestore FileStore File storage for storing deployment logs and application states. Yes
cache Cache Internal cache configuration. No
address string The address to the control plane. This is required if SSO is enabled. No
insightCollector InsightCollector Option to run collector of Insights feature. No
sharedSSOConfigs []SharedSSOConfig List of shared SSO configurations that can be used by any projects. No
projects []Project List of debugging/quickstart projects. Please note that do not use this to configure the projects running in the production. No


Field Type Description Required
type string Which type of data store should be used. Can be one of the following values
config DataStoreConfig Specific configuration for the datastore type. This must be one of these DataStoreConfig. Yes


Must be one of the following objects:


Field Type Description Required
namespace string The root path element considered as a logical namespace, e.g. pipecd. Yes
environment string The second path element considered as a logical environment, e.g. dev. All pipecd collections will have path formatted according to {namespace}/{environment}/{collection-name}. Yes
collectionNamePrefix string The prefix for collection name. This can be used to avoid conflicts with existing collections in your Firestore database. No
project string The name of GCP project hosting the Firestore. Yes
credentialsFile string The path to the service account file for accessing Firestores. No


Field Type Description Required
url string The address to MySQL server. Should attach with the database port info as in case you want to use another port than the default value. Yes
database string The name of database. No (If you set it via URL)
usernameFile string Path to the file containing the username. No
passwordFile string Path to the file containing the password. No


Field Type Description Required
type string Which type of file store should be used. Can be one of the following values
config FileStoreConfig Specific configuration for the filestore type. This must be one of these FileStoreConfig. Yes


Must be one of the following objects:


Field Type Description Required
bucket string The bucket name. Yes
credentialsFile string The path to the service account file for accessing GCS. No


Field Type Description Required
bucket string The AWS S3 bucket name. Yes
region string The AWS region name. Yes
profile string The AWS profile name. Default value is default. No
credentialsFile string The path to AWS credential file. Requires only if you want to auth by specified credential file, by default PipeCD will use $HOME/.aws/credentials file. No
roleARN string The IAM role arn to use when assuming an role. Requires only if you want to auth by WebIdentity pattern. No
tokenFile string The path to the WebIdentity token PipeCD should use to assume a role with. Requires only if you want to auth by WebIdentity pattern. No


Field Type Description Required
endpoint string The address of Minio. Yes
bucket string The bucket name. Yes
accessKeyFile string The path to the access key file. No
secretKeyFile string The path to the secret key file. No
autoCreateBucket bool Whether the given bucket should be made automatically if not exists. No


Field Type Description Required
ttl duration The time that in-memory cache items are stored before they are considered as stale. Yes


Field Type Description Required
id string The unique identifier of the project. Yes
desc string The description about the project. No
staticAdmin ProjectStaticUser Static admin account of the project. Yes


Field Type Description Required
username string The username string. Yes
passwordHash string The bcrypt hashed value of the password string. Yes


Field Type Description Required
application InsightCollectorApplication Application metrics collector. No
deployment InsightCollectorDeployment Deployment metrics collector. No


Field Type Description Required
enabled bool Whether to enable. Default is true No
schedule string When collector will be executed. Default is 0 * * * * No


Field Type Description Required
enabled bool Whether to enable. Default is true No
schedule string When collector will be executed. Default is 30 * * * * No
chunkMaxCount int The maximum number of deployment items could be stored in a chunk. Default is 1000 No


Field Type Description Required
name string The unique name of the configuration. Yes
provider string The SSO service provider. Currently, only GITHUB and OIDC is supported. Yes
sessionTtl int The time to live of session for SSO login. Unit is hour. Default is 7 * 24 hours. No
github SSOConfigGitHub GitHub sso configuration. No
oidc SSOConfigOIDC OIDC sso configuration. No


Field Type Description Required
clientId string The client id string of GitHub oauth app. Yes
clientSecret string The client secret string of GitHub oauth app. Yes
baseUrl string The address of GitHub service. Required if enterprise. No
uploadUrl string The upload url of GitHub service. No
proxyUrl string The address of the proxy used while communicating with the GitHub service. No


Field Type Description Required
clientId string The client id string of OpenID Connect oauth app. Yes
clientSecret string The client secret string of OpenID Connect oauth app. Yes
issuer string The address of OpenID Connect service. Yes
redirectUri string The address of the redirect URI. Yes
authorizationEndpoint string The address of the authorization endpoint. No
tokenEndpoint string The address of the token endpoint. No
userInfoEndpoint string The address of the user info endpoint. No
proxyUrl string The address of the proxy used while communicating with the OpenID Connect service. No
scopes []string Scopes to request from the OpenID Connect service. Default is openid. Some providers may require other scopes. No

Last modified September 24, 2024: Generate v0.49.x docs (#5222) (909fd76a)