
This page describes how to build, test PipeCD source code at your local environment.



  • pipecd: contains all source code and documentation of PipeCD project.
  • examples: contains various generated examples to demonstrate how to use PipeCD.


  • make build/go: builds all go modules including pipecd, piped, pipectl.

  • make build/web: builds the static files for web.

  • make test/go: runs all unit tests of go modules.

  • make test/web: runs all unit tests of web.

  • make test/integration: runs integration tests.

  • make run/piped: runs Piped locally (for more information, see here).

  • make run/site: runs PipeCD site locally (requires hugo with _extended version 0.92.1 or later to be installed).

  • make gen/code: generate Go and Typescript code from protos and mock configs. You need to run it if you modified any proto or mock definition files.

For the full list of available commands, please see the Makefile at the root of repository.

How to run Control Plane locally

  1. Start running a Kubernetes cluster

    make kind-up

    Once it is no longer used, run make kind-down to delete it.

  2. Install Control Plane into the local cluster

    make run/pipecd

    Once all components are running up, use kubectl port-forward to expose the installed Control Plane on your localhost:

    kubectl -n pipecd port-forward svc/pipecd 8080
  3. Access to the local Control Plane web console

    Point your web browser to http://localhost:8080 to login with the configured static admin account: project = quickstart, username = hello-pipecd, password = hello-pipecd.

How to run Piped agent locally

  1. Prepare the piped configuration file piped-config.yaml

  2. Ensure that your kube-context is connecting to the right kubernetes cluster

  3. Run the following command to start running piped (if you want to connect Piped to a locally running Control Plane, add INSECURE=true option)

    make run/piped CONFIG_FILE=piped-config.yaml

Docs and workaround with docs

PipeCD official site contains multiple versions of documentation, all placed under the /docs/content/en directory, which are:

  • /docs: stable version docs, usually synced with the latest released version docs.
  • /docs-dev: experimental version docs, contains docs for not yet released features or changes.
  • /docs-v0.x.x: contains docs for specified version family (a version family is all versions which in the same major release).

Basically, we have two simple rules:

  • Do not touch to the /docs content directly.
  • Keep stable docs version synced with the latest released docs version.

Here are the flow of docs contribution regard some known scenarios:

  1. Update docs that are related to a specified version (which is not the latest released version): In such case, update the docs under /docs-v0.x.x is enough.
  2. Update docs for not yet released features or changes: In such case, update the docs under /docs-dev is enough.
  3. Update docs that are related to the latest released docs version:
  • Change the docs’ content that fixes the issue under /docs-dev and /docs-v0.x.x, they share the same file structure so you should find the right files in both directories.
  • Use make gen/stable-docs command to sync the latest released version docs under /docs-v0.x.x to /docs

If you find any issues related to the docs, we’re happy to accept your help.

Last modified February 27, 2023: Release v0.42.0 (#4226) (34c305f8f)