Control Plane on local by docker-compose

This blog shows you how to install a PipeCD Control Plane on local machine easily.

Currently, you can deploy and operate a PipeCD Control Plane on a Kubernetes cluster or on Amazon ECS. However, some developers would like to build a Control Plane more easily for introduction or development. This blog shows you how to install a PipeCD Control Plane on local machine easily.

This blog is for those who would like to:

  • begin using PipeCD and experiment its features instantly, including Control Plane and Piped


The general architecture of PipeCD Control Plane is as below.

Note: See Architecture Overview doc for details. In this blog, you will build a Control Plane by these containers:

  • Server: pipecd server
  • Ops: pipecd ops
  • Cache: Redis
  • Data Store: MySQL
  • File Store: MinIO

Installation of Control Plane

  1. Get the demo codes from

  2. Execute the below command for docker-compose.yaml you got in [1.].

docker-compose up

After executing the above command, you will see logs like below if success.

pipecd-server-1   | successfully loaded control-plane configuration
pipecd-server-1   | successfully connected to file store
pipecd-server-1   | successfully connected to data store
pipecd-server-1   | grpc server will be run without tls
pipecd-server-1   | grpc server will be run without tls
pipecd-server-1   | grpc server is running on [::]:9080
pipecd-server-1   | grpc server is running on [::]:9083
pipecd-server-1   | grpc server will be run without tls
pipecd-server-1   | admin server is running on 9085
pipecd-server-1   | grpc server is running on [::]:9081
pipecd-server-1   | start running http server on :9082

To confirm: Access the console of the Control Plane

  1. Access http://localhost:8080 on your web browser.

  2. Enter a value as below and CONTINUE.

    • Project Name: control-plane-local
  3. Enter values as below and LOGIN.

    • Username: hello-pipecd
    • Password: hello-pipecd
  4. You will see the applications page. Success!

Clean up

To clean up the Control Plane, execute the below command.

docker-compose down

Note: By following commands instead of above one, you can keep data such as Piped or applications on the Control Plane even after restarting/updating the server component.

# Restart only the server component.
docker-compose rm -fsv pipecd-server
docker-compose up pipecd-server